latifolium 'Everett's Choice'. October 14, 2002Epilobium canum 'Schieffelin’s Choice' Schieffelin’s Choice California fuchsia Eriogonum fasciculatum var. Epilobium canum ‘Everett’s Choice’ $ 6. Find the perfect epilobium canum stock photo, image, vector, illustration or 360 image. Winter Hardiness: 0-10° F. Images. Sources for plants are presented. Stock photos, 360° images, vectors and videosMore California Fuchsia, Zauschneria or Epilobium. Perennial. It is perfect for the sunny water-wise garden and looks dramatic planted in masses in a dry mixed border. Pollinated by hummingbirds. Bushy. foliolosum California buckwheat Eriogonum nudum nude/naked buckwheat Eriogonum prattenianum Pratten's buckwheat Eriogonum grande v. USDA Zone: Zones 9 - 10. Deer Resistant: No Attractive to Bees: Yes Attractive to Butterflies: Yes Good Under Oaks: No Evergreen or Deciduous: Deciduous. Plant Type. Timber Press, Portland, OR. Spreads by rhizomes. O. Perennial, Groundcover. Blooms in summer and fall. The grey, narrow leaves form soft mounds 2 foot tall, spreading by. View. found in BGs worldwide: 1. Spreads by rhizomes. Seeds should be sewn in a good potting mix, barely covered and kept moist until germination. Size. Epilobium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Onagraceae, containing about 197 species. garrettii 'PWWG01S' (Zauschneria garrettii 'PWWG01S') Rapidly spreading groundcover with masses of orange-scarlet flowers in summer. Log in for pricing. Introduced in 1975 by the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, Iris douglasiana 'Canyon Snow' (Douglas Iris) is a slowly spreading, rhizomatous evergreen perennial forming clumps of sword-shaped, bright shiny green leaves. Prefers sun in coastal sites, and sun or part shade in inland sites. Irrigation (H2O Info): Low Water Needs. It is native to dry slopes and in chaparral of western North America, especially California. +13234746842. Epilobium canum 'John Bixby' California fuchsia 'John Bixby'. Blooms in summer and gray-green. Many ecotypes and horticultural varieties of Epilobium canum. Loved by hummingbirds. Botanical Name: Epilobium canum 'U. Business, Economics, and Finance. Common Name: Sierra Salmon California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet. Exposure: Full Sun. It is perfect for the sunny water-wise garden and looks dramatic planted in masses in a dry mixed border. You can search by scientific name, common name, or a desired attribute keyword such as “shade tolerant” or “butterfly”. across (10-12 cm), adorned with. 2023. Scarlet flowers. If a plant was not listed in either of those reference books, the next “best” source was used. Scientfic Name: Zauschneria garrettii (Epilobium canum) Common Name: Firechalice or Hummingbird Flower Description: Firechalice is a long-lived, herbaceous perennial that dies back to the ground during winter and emerges from the roots in spring. Upright growing from 8"-2' tall and equally wide. Specializing in California native plants and habitat gardening since 1981. Epilobium canum 'Summer Snow' California fuchsia. The plant is relatively small, usually 12 to 18 inches tall. canum often refers to Hoary Fuchsia, which has smaller leaves but otherwise looks very similar to the latifolium. Calflora: Information on California plants for education, research and conservation, with data contributed by public and private institutions and individuals. Epilobium canum 'Catalina'. Latin Name: Epilobium canum ‘Calistoga. Documentation State Type Symbol; 1985. This plant is available commercially. Blooms in summer and fall. Botanical Name: Epilobium canum var. Deer Tolerant: Yes. Flowers bright red-orange, in clusters at stem tips, held horizontally. Nelson) P. Epilobium canum California Fuchsia ID: 0024 3291 1998 0025 Charles Webber © 2000 California Academy of Sciences. Raven - hummingbird trumpet P: Epilobium canum (Greene) P. Common Name: Hummingbird Trumpet, California Fuchsia. canum (formerly Zauschneria californicum) – Species occurs statewide, has gray-green foliage. Accepted scientific plant name: Epilobium canum 'Calistoga' Synonyms: Classification. If you would like a more cultivated look a once a month watering will make these. A. Hardy to 0°F. Please call or email the nursery for current availability. Add to cart. It has toothed, green to white, lanceolate to ovate leaves that have a densely spreading-hairy and glandular pubescence. This spreading gray leaved perennial begins blooming in August and extends to October. 00: Epilobium canum 1G: California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet: 9: $10. Winter Hardiness: <15° F. Width: 2-3 feet. Epilobium canum (California Fuchsia) - This is a dense, sprawling California native which is considered to be a perennial with a woody base. Height by Width: 2' H x 4' W. H. Raven ssp. 5' H x 1. This species is native to the Intermountain West, and it grows naturally in all western U. Semi evergreen. Phone: 559-275-3844 Fax: 559-275-7627 : Website: Email: [email protected]. A somewhat redder flowering selection. Latifolium “Everett’s choice” Common Synonym(s) Zauschernia latifolia (P. Epilobium x purpureum: Epilobium x reedii: Epilobium x rubneri: Epilobium x simulatum: Epilobium x vicinum: Epilobium x wisconsinense: Narrowleaf California Fuchsia (Epilobium canum 'Alba') Narrowleaf California Fuchsia (Epilobium canum 'Albiflora') Fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium subsp. canum . Kartesz, J. . Epilobium canum John Bixby Epilobium canum Calistoga Epilobium canum Marin Pink Epilobium canum Bowman's hybrid Epilobium canum Catalina Epilobium canum Liz's Choice Epilobium canum Schieffelin's choice 4. The name reflects that in the past it. Horticultural selection from Epilobium canum. A. gif. tall. Along the dry creek bed at the back of the common variety area is a taller growing, bright green leafed variety, while the entrance to the native garden is graced by a similar, but lower growing groundcover. Wassman Journal of Biology. Blooms: summer-fall. Epilobium canum 'Calistoga'California FuchsiaEpilobium canum, also known as California fuchsia or Zauschneria, is a species of willowherb in the evening primrose family . California Fucshias are perennial subshubs native to California and Baja California. (6"/30") Native 8 1 gal 50 Epilobium 'Coral Canyon' California Fuchsia Filling in beautifully. The foliage is silvery-gray with an abundance of large, brilliant orangey-red tubular flowers late summer through fall. Bright orange flowers in summer and fall. Resembling fuchsias, they are visited by hummingbirds. Add to Wish List. Genus. For sunny areas. canum. +13234867072. (6"/30") Native 8 1 gal 50 Epilobium 'Coral Canyon' California Fuchsia Filling in beautifully. Epilobium canum "Calistoga". Especially large red tubular flowers appear in summer and continue into fall. Fast-growing and easy to grow, Encelia californica (California Brittlebush) is a broad, much-branched sub-shrub with brittle branches bearing widely spaced, bright green, oval leaves. Drought, deer & fire tolerant. Blooms in summer and fall. Description. Sub-species canum and angustifolium are endemic to California. Common Name: Everett's California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet. Full sun and very drought tolerant. 50 at nursery) 0 estimated available. canum 'Calistoga' California Fuchsia or Hummingbird Flower. Native to California, the West, and northern. Nelson) P. Flower color is toward the orange side of the scarlet spectrum. Commercial availability unknown. H. 3. 00 – $ 13. From late summer to late fall, spikes of large, brilliant scarlet. Zauschneria) canum 'Calistoga', California Fuchsia or Hummingbird Trumpet. For flowers during the summer, California Fuchsia can’t be beat. garrettii) is a short, drought-tolerant perennial that attracts hummingbirds and resists deer. Spreads by rhizomes. ©J. USDA Z8. An herbaceous semi-evergreen shrub with a dense, mounding habit. California fuchsia (Epilobium canum) Epilobium canum (Onagraceae) is a flowering shrub endemic to California. Calflora, a 501c3 non-profit - 1700 Shattuck Avenue #198, Berkeley, CA 94709 - 510 883-3148 - CONTACT - - CONTACT -Epilobium Canum, California Fuchsia. Prune hard early spring to keep neat growth habit. 00 Select options. It is a perennial plant, notable for the profusion of bright scarlet flowers in summer and autumn - it's usually the only native California plant in an area. Shrublet: Evergreen/Semi-evergreen. Pruning. Tolerates heavy soils. Epilobium canum. Zauschneria latifolia var. across (5 cm), bloom profusely. angustifolium 'Album') California Fuchsia. (707) 528-8813 • 2990 Somers Street • Fulton, CA 95439 Map • HoursSKU: UPC: Availability: The quantities available online are less than the total that we have available. Very floriferous, Penstemon heterophyllus (Foothill Beardtongue) is a clump-forming evergreen perennial boasting large, wide-mouthed, tubular flowers, 1. Blooms in summer gray-green. glauca, and sugar water as control. We have several varieties growing in our garden. They have tubular flowers that bloom in late summer and early fall. Hybrid' Log in for pricing. (707) 528-8813 • 2990 Somers Street • Fulton, CA 95439 Map • HoursHow to Grow Epilobium Plants in your Garden Gardener's HQGuide to Growing Willoherb, Fireweed, French Willow, and Spike-primrose. Needs only occasional to little summer water. Related Products. Jepson eFlora. [web application]. An herbaceous semi-evergreen shrub with a low, trailing habit. Quick view. Botanical Name: Epilobium canum 'Summer Snow', Zauschneria californica 'Summer Snow'. Epilobium, California Fuchsia, Hummingbird Trumpet 'Calistoga' Epilobium canum. When growing California Fuchsia and related species from seed it is best to start them off outdoors. The long (up to 2. Its foliage is green with a slight hint of gray. Epilobium (Zauschneria) canum 'Calistoga' Common Name: California fuchsia Plant Type: Deciduous perennial Family: Onagraceae (The Evening Primrose Family) Geographic Origin: California California Native?: Yes . California Fuchsia ( Epilobium canum ssp. 'Cloverdale' is a prostrate, slightly mounding California fuchsia selection with particularly broad, light grey-green leaves and the typical vivid scarlet flowers. Current Stock: 275. Blooms from summer into fall. Spreads by rhizomes. If you do not see the quantity you need listed as in stock, please email to see if we have what you need. Leaves are felty, oval to linear,. Good for rock gardens, borders & under oaks. H. 3024 La Paz Drive Los Angeles, California 90039. View Product. It is a perennial plant, notable for the profusion of bright scarlet flowers in late summer and autumn. Blooms: summer-fall.